Disability - feelya

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Dealing with the mental health implications of disability
5 min read

While people may make various adaptations to cope with their circumstances, the emotional and physical pressures of a disability or chronic illness can be very challenging.

Dealing with other people’s attention, comments and even their pity can be a great strain. Therapy helps with both the unexpected and expected traumas of a disability.

Therapy helps people come to terms with a disability. This often involves reframing circumstances. While it is true that a malfunction in one or more parts of the body means that what was once possible is no longer so, other options emerge. The term ‘differently abled’ replaces the word ‘disability’. Losing function in one part of the body frequently releases potential elsewhere, so new activities, ideas and outlooks now become possible.

Therapeutic treatment includes developing life strategies, mental reframing and mindfulness. Talking therapy tends to be very useful – grieving for what has been lost can lead to planning an exciting new future.

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